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Project ecosystem

Vidaia has had the honor of collaborating with a wide variety of initiatives committed to ecological regeneration. Throughout our career, we have acquired valuable experiences and developed tools that allow us to design strategies adapted to all types of ventures, sanctuaries, reserves, civil movements, businesses, organizations, foundations, associations and more. These initiatives are interconnected through the Vidaia network, forming an ecosystem of collaborative projects that drives a transformation towards a more just, ecological and prosperous future for all.



2024-2025 / México

Summit of Life and Peace

Civil Movement

The purpose of the Peace Summits is to declare territories as Sanctuaries of Life and Peace, attributing to them the supremacy of the Rights of Mother Earth. To award the Culture of Peace decoration to emeritus organizations. To certify ecovillages, ecotourism centers, ejido nuclei, ADVC, ecological reserves, among others, as Sanctuaries. To launch a local network with a collaborative action plan to generate well-being in the bioregion. To deliver the baton of sacred activism for the Rights of Mother Earth to 3 representatives of organizations committed to sustaining activism in Mexico.


Vidaia joined the civil movement of the Peace Summits in its second version in Bacalar. We integrated the Organization Committee with the responsibility of the Administration and Resources Commission to seek, manage and distribute the funds necessary for the execution of the event. We also created the event's website and part of the design and dissemination of its activities. We are now part of the Local Network that continues actions for community well-being and we actively participate in the continued growth of the Sanctuaries of Life and Peace in Bacalar.

Casa de los niños del árbol

2023-2025 / Bacalar, Q.R. México

The Children's of the Tree House

Community Sanctuary

of Life and Peace

CNA is a Sanctuary dedicated to personal growth, community development, and the regeneration of the jungle. They offer a wide variety of activities, accommodation, and the possibility of joining as a member of the community. They carry out a project to regenerate the Mayan jungle, while at the same time cultivating the land in syntropic agroforestry systems and producing items for local sale, with a dynamic of waste management and reduction in the community. ​

Vidaia has facilitated community organization processes at a physical, human, digital, and administrative level to achieve certification as a Sanctuary of Life and Peace. It is the first project that has completed the integral ecology model and uses it as a base structure. We are now focused on the regenerative economic growth of the community, through the cultivation of the land, production of ecological items, and protection of the jungle prioritizing soil humus.

Casa Lamat Bacalar

2024 - 2025 / Bacalar, Q.R. México

Casa Lamat

Eco Hotel

Casa Lamat is a hotel facing the Bacalar Lagoon that offers vegetarian food, alternative therapies and ecological tourism activities in search of caring for the bioregion. It implements ecological systems for the management of water, energy and waste. Its vision is to be an ecology school that serves as an example of a sustainable eco-business for the community.


Vidaia is now beginning to land its vision to open the doors of the space and promote its good environmental practices. In addition, we are creating a network of local initiatives in Bacalar to strengthen collaboration between projects and begin to function as a single symbiotic organism. Casa Lamat is part of this Lagunar ecosystem. 

Portal Natura

2024 - 2025 / Bacalar, Q.R. México

Portal Natura


Portal Natura is an eco-store dedicated to offering 100% natural, ecological and organic products. Its goal is to be a connection point between the local community, tourists and small producers, promoting a conscious and sustainable lifestyle through the sale of food, cosmetics, supplements and holistic services that respect the environment and integral well-being.


Vidaia seeks to co-create more resilient local economies through distribution networks of sustainable products and opening sales channels for products in the Bacalar community. We are supporting the cooperative to take the next step to become the perfect intermediary that connects producers with consumers and allows the appreciation, access and strengthening of local products.


Earth & Life University

2023 - 2025 / Playa del Carmen, Q.R. México

Earth&Life University

Educational Institution

Earth&Life University is the leading university in Sustainability and Human Development, where agents of change are trained to co-create sustainable communities in harmony with nature. Its learning model is based on living knowledge and linking it in a practical way to your personal and professional life with the aim of transforming education into the most powerful tool to build a better place.


Vidaia joins the University's purpose as an ally for any possible collaboration and represents it in activities such as Educational Forums to promote its innovative initiative of a new way of educating. We deeply believe in the impact that this institution is generating since we are part of its students and success stories as agents of change with impact in the region and throughout Mexico.

Tierra de Jóvenes México

2024 - 2025 / Internacional 

Land of Youth Foundation

Land of Youth is a non-profit organization with no political or religious affiliation that aims to raise awareness among young people around the world about environmental concerns, particularly reforestation, self-sufficiency and a sustainable way of life. In particular, by promoting voluntary actions and local, small-scale conservation techniques.


Vidaia was inspired by the incredible history and trajectory of Tierra de Jóvenes to promote its birth with a headquarters in Mexico, so we are beginning to analyze what this action would entail. We are excited to support the organization in the evolution of its international activities by updating its website and other digital resources to share its message to a wider audience and continue writing a story together.


2023 - 2025 / México



GroBios is a civil association dedicated to the protection and conservation of biodiversity, as well as to raising awareness of the importance and sustainable use of our natural resources. Its focus is scientific research, environmental education, community participation and environmental policies to generate actions to preserve ecosystems in Mexico.


Vidaia collaborates symbiotically with Grobios in all the actions they carry out together with projects that join this mission. From reforestation projects, protection of sea turtles, declaration of territories as ADVC or Sanctuaries of Life and Peace, fundraising, youth participation, co-creation of events and much more to come.



2023 - 2025 / Guerrero, México


Conservation Network

RECOTOMA is the Sea Turtle Conservation Network of the State of Guerrero, which was created by Grobios with the purpose of uniting all the Turtle Camps in this bioregion. Together, constant communication has been achieved to carry out actions to protect the beautiful sea turtles that reach the Pacific coasts every year.


Vidaia has supported this network through training so that each camp can develop its own volunteer program using online platforms and thus receive more human support in its daily activities of egg collection, planting and releasing sea turtles, as well as beach cleaning and more. We have also participated in the State Forum for the Conservation of Sea Turtles and we remain available for any action to strengthen this Network.


Tiendita Verde

2023 - 2024 / Michoacán, México

Tiendita Verde

Eco Business

Tiendita Verde is a comprehensive project that produces organic supplies from its agroecological garden that are sold in its store, used in the dishes of its restaurant and cafeteria for a round of local consumption. They also support the sale of various items from other local producers and many of the products they sell are handcrafted by the Tiendita team.


Vidaia has generated changes in the agroecological system for a more organized and structured production by areas and activities. We began the production of sprouts, improved the compost creation structure, installed a green fence to divide the areas of the garden, molded a circular altar to the 4 elements as an energy center with the growth of medicinal plants, co-created various creative ideas for the sale of products, among others. We continue planning future improvement actions to reach a highly productive system, for example we envision adding domestic animals to the system, rainwater collection or even the manufacture of a bio-pool.



2023 - 2025 / Bacalar, Q.R. México



ALAK is a civil association that connects with all living beings on the planet, inspiring them to reduce ecological damage in order to protect all these forms of life. For this reason, they are dedicated to raising awareness and promoting good environmental practices. ALAK takes action through waste management, creating systems for separation, collection and handling of waste. They also organize various events such as lagoon and beach clean-ups, mangrove reforestation and educational activities in schools. Their vision is to transform Mexico's tourist destinations into sustainable and environmentally conscious places, starting in Bacalar.


Vidaia supports the actions of ALAK and sustains its positive effect on many aspects of community life in Bacalar. We are committed to continuing the joint efforts that have yielded important results at all levels, and for this reason we agree to act in a personal, social and planetary way to achieve the desired transformation in the Bacalar bio-region.


El Arca Bacalar

2022 - 2023 / Bacalar, Q.R. México

El Arca Bacalar

Holistic Center

The Arca Bacalar is a community project of bio-construction, upcycling and agroforestry that offers alternative therapies and healing ceremonies. They have an interesting volunteer program and a zero-waste system in alliance with a nearby fruit shop, which allows them to prepare abundant and delicious meals. The Arca has the virtue of learning by doing, which is how they have built all the spaces of the project with dedication and creativity. They also dedicate themselves to the transformation of glass bottles into glasses ready to be reused.


Vidaia has supported the structuring of the volunteer program for the Arca through which support was received to design the digital content of the project and the logo, website and social media updates were created. We continue to aim for community unity for the regenerative and collaborative development of the area.


2022 - 2025 / Bacalar, Q.R. México




2022 - 2025 / Bacalar, Q.R. México


Eco Business

Ecoladrillosmex is an upcycling initiative through a keychain that serves as a portable trash can and also makes eco-bricks ready to be used in an eco-construction. It is a way to spread a message and act in a simple and everyday way to reduce plastic pollution in the ecosystem.


Vidaia supported the creation of the Ecoladrillosmex project from the beginning and now sells its keychains as part of the products distributed by the Vidaia network.


Maiaecostura is an eco-friendly business that sews unique clothing and accessories made from biodegradable organic materials. It has mainly dedicated itself to making 100% local and vegan cotton bags. The products are handmade in an artisanal way and it is now based in Bacalar.


Vidaia has accompanied the entire creation process of Maiaecostura and now sells its products as part of the products distributed by the Vidaia network.


Grown in Haiti

2020 - 2020 / Cap-Rouge, Haiti

Grown in Haiti

Community Project

Grown in Haiti advocates for a future where communities and nature thrive in harmony. They have dedicated themselves to empowering Haitian communities through sustainable and regenerative agroforestry practices. They have transformed landscapes by growing and distributing fruit trees, restoring soil health, and improving biodiversity. Their initiative extends beyond agroforestry to education and community resilience. Their goal is to continue to expand their reach, foster self-sufficiency, and encourage ecological stewardship in Haiti.


Vidaia has learned powerful lessons in her collaboration with Grown in Haiti, which is where she began her understanding of highly productive agroforestry systems that support a high diversity of flora and fauna and regenerate a healthy ecosystem. In our experience, we were able to help dig the foundation for a building to install a cistern that would allow a rainwater harvesting system to use the water for the project and the community.

Peace Cycle

2019 - 2020 / Port au Prince, Haiti

Peace Cycle

Eco Business

Peace Cycle is a small upcycling company that transforms plastic waste into diverse and creative products. Their goal is to educate and promote eco-friendly practices while offering a decent work opportunity that empowers individuals and their families to be more self-sufficient.


Vidaia spent time with Peace Cycle and together they found a way to make this venture a zero-waste business by making eco-bricks from leftover plastic waste from production. We also collaborated in the creation of a presentation video for their website.

Reserva Ecologica Haiti

2019 - 2020 / Port au Prince, Haiti

Wynne Farm

Ecological Reserve

Wynne Farm is one of the only ecological reserves in Haiti, dedicated to protecting the environment through education. Its goal is to preserve flora and fauna, conserve soil and care for water sources in a symbiotic way. They have introduced different plant species as crops with promising value for the area in an agroforestry model.

Vidaia was supporting the actions of one of the reserve's initiatives that sought to provide different actors in the region with plant species that together create a symbiotic relationship that is beneficial for the soil and that produces food easily and quickly.

Ekologi pou Ayiti

2019 - 2020 / Furcy, Haiti

Ekoloji pou Ayiti


Ekoloji pou Ayiti was an effort to inspire a community to be more independent and create abundance with the resources available in their environment. This is how they facilitated different awareness-raising activities such as waste reuse workshops, environmental cinema, area clean-ups, creation of waste separation bins and sinks, exchange market and eco-brick making contest. All waste management actions were rewarded with a local economic system in which eco-bricks became the local currency and were exchanged for basic necessities such as food, clothing and toys. In addition, they created a Mandala-shaped garden with a syntropic agroforestry system and carried out reforestation with trees from the area.


It was in this project that the seed of what is now Vidaia was born.


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2019 - 2022 / Miami, USA


Eco Business

Natif is an eco-responsible business that is dedicated to ecological health and sustainability by making and selling accessories such as bracelets that finance tree planting. For every item sold, it plants 1 tree in Haiti and provides employment to local artisans, which generates community development and ensures their food self-sufficiency.


Vidaia collaborated in the creative development of the marketing strategy for Natif and in the logistics of the production of the items and the reforestation in Haiti together with Grown in Haiti.

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2017 - 2023 / Guerrero, México

El Muro Majahua

Eco Hotel

El Muro Majahua is an eco-friendly hotel that offers a variety of services and activities in harmony with its environment. Its way of contributing to the conservation of the area's ecosystem is through collaboration with a turtle camp.


Vidaia made multiple efforts to co-create ecological initiatives at the hotel, from the skeleton of the business to the responsible cleaning supplies and the sale of ecological products in the hotel store.

Campamento de tortugas Mazahua

2017 - 2023 / Guerrero, México

Majahua Turtle Camp


The Majahua Turtle Camp is a conservation project for sea turtles that arrive on the coasts of Guerrero every year. They are dedicated to collecting turtle eggs at night, planting the eggs in the nursery, and releasing the turtles. In this way, they give them a greater chance of survival in their first stages of life.


Vidaia participated in different moments of the development of the project, we were there from its beginnings until the last, most successful nesting season, when we had to expand the nursery to plant all the eggs. We implemented a volunteer program, created audio-visual content, did beach cleanups, and held supra-recycling workshops.


Hacienda la Cruz Hotel

2016 - 2023 / Michoacán, México

Hacienda la Cruz 

Eco Hotel

Hacienda la Cruz is an Ecological Hotel with a colonial style dedicated to offering a unique space for events that seek to immerse oneself in the tranquility of the forest. They have various types of accommodation and restaurant service. The Hotel is associated with a reforestation project with which it seeks to allocate a portion of its profits to the planting of native trees.


Vidaia has been part of the progress of this Hotel from its beginnings until today and continues to organize alternative events in this space.


Forests for Monarchs

2016 - 2023 / Boston, USA

Forests For Monarchs 

Fundation 501(c)(3)

Forests for Monarchs is a foundation with many years of experience in the search and management of funds dedicated to the preservation of the majestic Monarch Butterfly that travels from Canada to Mexico every year to spend the winter. Its goal is to reforest the core of the Butterfly Sanctuary and its surroundings to provide a sustainable forest management option to local communities, in this way they do not continue to deforest what remains of the native forest.


Vidaia has carried out administrative work in the reforestation activities and monitoring of the trees planted for the foundation as well as the co-creation of a documentary about the project. We also designed a volunteer program to support production within the forest nursery that germinates the trees that will serve as a future home for the butterflies.

Vivero Forestal Hacienda la Cruz

2016 - 2023 / Michoacán, México

Tree Nursery 

Hacienda la Cruz 


The Vivero Forestal is a reforestation project in the State of Michoacán, focused on the regeneration of the hibernation area of ​​the Monarch Butterfly and the Lake Basins, mainly in Patzcuáro and Zirahuén.


Vidaia was dedicated to supporting the various areas of the project, from the production of trees in the nursery, the direct sale of trees in bags, the organization of reforestation events, the distribution of donated trees mainly to indigenous communities, the creation of a website and social networks, among others.


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